06/06/14, 03.50 UTC
37°21.21.089' N, 16°50.510 E
SOG 8 kt, COG 66°T
True Wind Speed 24 kt, 208°M
Shushi day, lunch and diner, Sashimi Maguro and wasaaaaabi.
The Low pressure system (storm) has arrived as predicted, and we got lot of wind all day with gusts up to 35 kt, strong squalls, heavy rain, big seas and it is cold....
We saw another sailboat and talked to them on the VHF, "Maripossa"
Le front froid du systeme depressionaire est arrivé et a poussé l'anticyclone des acores vers le Sud. LOL Ca me rappelle la meteo de JT 20h qui nous prevoit un temps typique Breton
En bref vent pluie grosse mer et il fait froid