Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sailing from New Caledonia to Australia, 2,500 NM,

We left NC on Sultano, 4 of us, Captain Francesco, me the first mate, Super Susy, and cara Silvia

brg ( bearing to the waypoint: where we want to go) 303 degrees
rng( range( distance 2,500 NM but it maxes out at 1,000)
cog ( course over ground: our track over ground : where we going) 322 degrees : 19 degrees off our desired heading
sog( speed over ground) 8.1kt going fast...

Setting the fishing gear , ready for a competition with Francesco

Getting some big weather...

After a rough night, found a Flying fish on deck


No fish.....again..
Bad to the bone

We got the spinnaker up!
Genoa only, and doing 7 kt!!!!!

Big sea..

Arriving in Thursday Island, Australia
My two fishing got messed up, and took me a great deal of patience to fix!

Got a wahoo!


Our watches
Silvia is fileting it

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