Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Azores-Palma De Mallorca

38°21.01'N, 24°52.20'W, 22:50 UTC, 03/06/14
SOG:7 kt, COG: 90 ° T

End of day 1, We left the marina of Horta yesterday at 19.00.
It is quite a place!, full of sailors from brittany !!!!!

1,500 Nm to go to Palma, 10 days ?

I am on watch every 6 hours for 3 hours, last nigth I had the 3am to 6 am, then I just got into bed when Quentin banged in my door yelling " Baleine, baleine".
We were in the middle of a pod of whales :)
I had never seen so many whales so close.....
Then in the afternoon, a pod of dolphins!!

Life is good

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