Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 9

01.12 GMT
POSITION 12deg 50'N, 123deg 52'W
vitesse: 6.5 noeuds/knots
direction: 200 deg
vent: 10-15 noeuds N-E
Houle 8 pieds

Pour la premiere fois en 9 jours et apres 1,200 mileson a change de cap, On a tourne dans le vent, direction Sud,

After 9 days, and 1,200 miles we finally made a gibe, going south....

wish you Fair winds and calm seas

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 8

01.29 GMT
POSITION 13deg 23'N, 121deg 33'W
vitesse: 6.5 to 7.4 noeuds/knots
direction: 240 deg
vent: 22-25 noeuds N-E
Houle 8 pieds

Frigo plein de piosson, aujourdhui, bonne peche : deux Dorados ( Mahi-Mahi),

quite windy today, put 3 reefs in the main to slow down, but still doing 7 knots
wind wave and swell, a little uncomfortable....

wish you Fair winds and calm seas

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 7

00.21 GMT
POSITION 13deg 57'N, 119deg 04'W
vitesse: 6.5 noeuds/knots
direction: 240 deg
vent: 15-18 noeuds N-E
Houle 5 pieds

Bleue, bleue, bleue

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 6

01.57 GMT
POSITION 14deg 34'N, 116deg 52.785'W
vitesse: 6 noeuds/knots
direction: 240 deg
vent: 10-15 noeuds N-E
Houle 5 pieds

a la tombee de la nuit, on a peche trois bonitos ( Sarda Sarda), et ce matin un autre bonito.
Tacos au poisson, poison curry, ....
Et demain on va prendre une douche!super excites

The ocean has been very kind and giving

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 5

00.57 GMT
POSITION 15deg 31.276'N, 114deg 32.394'W
vitesse: 5.8 noeuds/knots
direction: 231 deg
vent: 10-15 noeuds N-E

Third day day in a row that we are attacked by sea birds, one flew into our wind generator, while Glenda was trying to scare them with the fog horn and strobe light,
better than sharks i guess
, lol

Un groupe de dauphin nous a suivis pendant quelque temps, et quelques poissons volents ont aussi atteris sur le pont du bateau avec quelques calamars

L'ocean est magnifique

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 4

00.11 GMT
POSITION 16deg 44.534N, 112deg 28.677'W
vitesse: 7 noeuds/knots
direction: 220 deg
vent: 10-15 noeuds N-E

Yesterday, we got a second sea bird, that we released, but they came back with a revenge..
Had a quiet night watch except for the sea birds that attacked our Tri-color light and messed around with our wind indicator.

We have reached the trade winds a few hours ago,
and we have catch our first fish: a nice yellow tail tuna, sashimi and tacos for lunch.

Every body got their sea legs by now and we are enjoying the beautiful weather..

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 2, 46.30 heures

17.30 GMT
POSITION 18.56'N, 109.5'W
vitesse 5.9 noeuds
direction: 220 deg
Houle de cote
Pas de poisson, mais une muette que l 'on a relacher( elle ne riait pas).


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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1, 23.30 heures

18.30 GMT
POSITION 20.06'N, 107.50'W
tout va bien
mal a l estomac

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is the day!

Setting sail  to French Polynesia, next stop in 3 weeks Nuku-Hiva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!